Red Enchanted Rose Dome
Inspired by a timeless classic fairytale, The Eternal Bouquet presents the miniature take of our signature Enchanted Rose dome, a real rose encapsulated in a glass dome, preserved to last for over a year with zero water or maintenance. Our beautiful mini roses are the perfect gift or addition to your home, office, event, and function. Choose an option to personalise your glass dome and surprise your family, friends, or significant other with a beautiful gift that is curated with love!
Mini Red Eternal Rose Bear with Peal Heart
Spoil your loved ones with our handcrafted modern take on the traditional teddy bear with over 100+ synthetic red roses and a luxurious pearl heart. Our gorgeous Mini Red Eternal Rose bears are the perfect gift for any celebratory occasion, whether it be an engagement, birthday, wedding, anniversary, bridal shower, Valentine’s Day, or simply a just-because present.
Every order comes with a care card & a complimentary Eternal Bouquet gift card with your personalised message.